Managed chains continue sales growth despite August weather
For the 16th month in a row, London outpaced the rest of the UK for sales growth. Managed groups’ like-for-like sales inside the M25 were 7.1% ahead in August, compared to 4.9% outside the M25.
The Tracker, produced by CGA by NIQ in partnership with and the Coffer Group and RSM UK, has now been in year-on-year growth for the past 11 months - although August’s national figure was down on the 7.8% growth seen in July.
Widespread cool and wet weather kept many consumers indoors, to the benefit of the restaurant sector, where like-for-like sales finished 8.6% ahead of August 2022. But even with beer gardens and terraces emptier than usual, pubs still recorded 4.9% growth last month. Bars continued to be the worst performing of the three segments in the Tracker, with sales down by 7.5% year-on-year.
CGA collected sales figures directly from 85 leading managed groups for the latest edition of the Coffer CGA Business Tracker.
Participating companies receive a fuller detailed breakdown of monthly trading. To join the cohort, contact Andrew Dean at