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Business leaders networking at the Peach 20/20 Conference  

02 Oct 2024

Moderation for all occasions

By Jennifer Runciman, Head of Category Development, DIAGEO GB
Moderation has been a key growth trend in the on-trade for several years now and shows no signs of slowing down, with 44% of GB adults saying that they’re actively moderating their alcohol consumption¹.

It is also a trend that is no longer an isolated occurrence; having spread to all occasions throughout the year, it’s likely that one in every 10 of your guests is moderating at any given time². Guests are frequently choosing to alternate between an alcoholic drink and an alcohol free alternative, something termed ‘zebra’ drinking, with over half of all alcohol free occasions also featuring alcohol³.

However, for those looking for an alcohol free alternative, significant barriers still exist, most noticeably a lack of visibility of serves. Trading down is therefore often inevitable to tap water/soft drinks, resulting in lost spend for venues and an inferior experience for guests. With the alcohol free drinker likely to guide a group’s destination decision in the same way as a vegan does, how can you ensure you’re maximising this opportunity?

Stock the Right Range

With alcohol free category repertoire still limited (three in four consumers buying into only one sub-category¹), ensure that a range of options are available to your guests. Alcohol free brands are chosen because they have been tried before or are trusted by guests² - demonstrated by Guinness 0.0% quickly becoming the second largest alcohol free beer in the on-trade⁴.

Create Visibility Touchpoints

Ensuring visibility on menu is the number one lever to encourage category footfall. Provide guests with an alcohol free standalone section (71% of consumers expect this⁵) alongside menu nudges across the total menu – a proven approach to drive incremental sales.

Drive Category Advocacy in Outlet

With 91% of consumers ordering the drink recommended by bartenders most or all of the time², bartender and staff recommendations are a key touchpoint to leverage. Be sure to support your bar staff with category advocacy training to enhance your guest’s experience in venue, they are an incredibly powerful asset to you!

Sources:  ¹Kantar Alcovision May 2024,  ² CGA & Diageo Path to Purchase 2024, ³Kantar Alcovision Sept 2023, ⁴ CGA Volume Sales GB MAT to 10.08.24 ⁵ Incite Pricing Research August 2023


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