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Business leaders networking at the Peach 20/20 Conference  

16 May 2024

What’s driving drink sales in US? Some takeaways for the Brits

By Christine Martin
It’s not exactly news that drink/‘wet’ sales are highly profitable (hospitality finance 101 anyone?), but our recent trip to Nashville was a stark reminder of the central role of beverage sales for restaurant, bar and hotel brands in US hospitality. 
  • The bar is always front and centre – the hero of the design 
  • The range is extensive – and highly visible 
  • The quality exceptional – delivered by knowledgeable bar staff 

Cocktails, wine by the glass and craft beer are seemingly available everywhere – with your biscuits at breakfast, your mid-morning taco and all day during the ubiquitous and hugely popular weekend brunch sessions. 

The drink offer is as curated and crafted as the menu - and looking at the Nashville numbers presented by CGA – it’s working. 

Matt Crompton, CGA VP On Premise - Americas, shared four Mega Trends driving beverage/alcohol sales in the US right now:

1. Consumer behaviour shift - convenience, wellness + sustainability  

2. Dynamic demographics – aging population, Hispanics biggest growing segment

3. Premiumisation – both in drinks brands and in venue/overall experience

4. Flavour Forward – spicy margaritas, indulgent flavours, smoky mezcal 

Most of the brands we visited quoted a 60/40 food/drink split on revenues - with substantially higher profit percentafe on the drink side of the house. 

Thanks to Matt for taking us through some great insights on riding the trends and elevating drink sales. Highly transferable to UK market – except maybe that Hispanic population shift. 

Take a look at a short extract from Matt's presentation HERE.

Four Drinks Mega Trends deck download

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