Sustainability Matters: What consumers want and how brands can respond
While engagement with sustainability isn’t yet universal, a sizeable majority now want the pubs, bars and restaurants they use to share their concerns and reduce their carbon footprints. Most say they are willing to pay extra for it too, but if they don’t think the brands are committed enough, they’ll turn to others. From recycling to waste to sourcing, hospitality is making some good progress on a host of sustainability issues—but consumers expect more.
10 Key findings from the report are:
1. Sustainability influences decisions.
2. More and more people will pay a premium for sustainability.
3. Carbon footprint labels can influence sales.
4. Guests want to see more progress.
5. Communications still need to improve.
6. Recycling and reducing waste are the top two priorities.
7. Sustainable supply chains matter.
8. Younger adults are much more aware than older people.
9. Women are more committed than men.
10. Interest is concentrated in London.
Consumers’ concerns about sustainability continue to grow. Nearly three quarters (71%) now say they proactively try to lead an environmentally friendly lifestyle—1 percentage point more than 12 months ago.
Sustainability has become a core element of these people’s decision making. Two in five (41%) consumers say they are very or quite likely to choose a pub or restaurant based on its sustainability commitments and performance, while fewer than a fifth (18%) are unlikely to think about the issue when they pick a venue.
Most consumers know they may have to pay a premium for sustainability. More than a third (37%) are willing to spend more than they usually would if a product or brand has strong sustainability credentials—a year-on-year increase of 3 percentage points, despite heavy pressure on consumers’ spending in recent times.
Encouragingly, some people can see that hospitality is making some progress on sustainability—but they want to see more change. Only 7% think the pubs and restaurants they use have significantly increased their commitment to sustainability over the last 12 months. Around a quarter (28%) think it has somewhat increased, but 12% say it’s dropped and 32% are unsure. Venues will have to work hard to persuade guests of their commitment to this urgent issue.
The full report, Sustainability Matters: What consumers want and how brands can respond is available to download on the Nutritics website
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Nutritics and CGA by NIQ are Peach 20/20 partners.